Thursday, September 2, 2010

A More Oppurtune Time

Good Morning everyone... Today I would like to touch on the subject of Timing.

The book of Ecclesiastes maps out for us a season for everything under the Sun . I will not be coming from that particular verse but It will tie into where we are going today.

More :  Greater in amount,  or number; to a grander degree or extent
Oppurtune : Suitable ; said of time or to be well timed
Time : The period  during which something happens.

So what I am saying is there will be well orchestrated times and degrees in which said things will occur in our lives....

Seasons are governed by time, clocks tell and keep time, watches are worn for time , but today probably more for fashion purposes.  A sundial even measures time ... Today I would like to share how things occur in our lives and we think they are forever gone only to pop back up again; which brings me to the following scripture.. Matthew 4:1-11.

We see a couple of things here that transpire ... One The Holy Spirit lead  Christ into these series of temptations.... which let us know that God orchestrated this scenario, knowing how Jesus would respond... Two He was physically hungry and everyone knows ... when you are devoid of food you can do everything from sell your birthright (Genesis 25:31), to steal (Proverbs 6:30 ),  to literally compromise your body or who you are to get a morsel of bread... Three , Satan initiated the conversation,  acknowledged who Jesus was ... Then was dirty in the fact that he chose to use the word "bread" knowing Christ had just finished fasting for 40 days and 40 nights.

Christ responds with what He has been marinating on during His time of consecration... He puts the word on Satan, tells him what is important and trusts God to deliver Him. Which reminds us that cliches do not move the enemy of your soul... But the Word of God will stand forever.

A second temptation occurs.. Satan tries to change the scenery or come at Christ from a different angle... if you will. He first catered to his stomach , now he tries to entice Jesus into using His power to perform a monumental feat. The pride of Life is being displayed here... (See 1 John 2:16). We desire to do things for God with resurrection power, but honestly are we really willing to die to achieve this ?..

Promotion from God will never come if one does not suffer.

Temptaion # 3 .. Satan offers Christ the kingdoms of the world; which was in his power to  do  because of the Fall of Man ...   Adam relinquished his authority to the Devil... we witness here how my mom used to say" your eyes are bigger than your stomach"... we sometimes see things; become overwhelmed by what it will bring to us... and chase after it with little or no thought of the cost we will have to pay. We must be careful not to sell our soul in order to gain the whole world... (See Matthew 16:26). Our worship is to God and Him alone, He deserves it, commands it and will share His glory with none other.

Satan did not bombard Jesus all at once.. through each temptaion there was a lapse of time... he waits to catch us when we are vulnerable, depressed , hungry, not walking in purpose, dissatisfied with life, running from God or just being stubborn. He will leave you long enough to get you to think he is not intersested in your life... He also knows if you really start walking in purpose God will be glorified, people will be edified, and he will in turn  become terrified. There is nothing more irritating to the Devil ; than a person who loves, obeys, believes and  worships the God of glory.

In closing I am sure we can all attest to that " thing" or it maybe that "girl" or that "guy" ... that hides for a minute and pops up out of the bushes like Jason in  a Friday the 13th movie... Do not be alarmed, surprised or dismayed .... The Lord your God is with you even to the end of the age. Beloved do not put a period where God has placed a comma, if you fell .. get back up , dust yourself off, repent , get back to that which you know is right and trust God to complete what He started.

Father may we not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try us as some strange thing were happening to us, may we partake in Christs suffering, that when His glory is revealed , we may be glad with exceeding joy. We love you because You first loved us...

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