Monday, August 9, 2010

I Have A Dream...

Good morning all , after a not so restful night of sleep, I have been graced with seeing a day I have never witnessed and will never see again;  So I  intend on making the most of it. Scripture tells of that in the last days God will pour out His Spirit on all flesh....(Joel 2:28). We will experience the release of visions, prophetic utterances from sons and daughters as well as men dreaming dreams which brings me to today`s blog.

Dream is defined in this manner:  A sequence of images etc. passing through a sleeping persons mind. We know that dreams can come from our own selfish desires , but today I would like to touch on dreams that originate from Him who gave us every good and perfect gift from above.

I can clearly recall the first dream I was given soon after I was born again... The Lord literally said to me... I will speak to you in dreams because you talk too much in the day time... I was like ok cool and He has kept His word . Twelve years later He is still speaking to me in that manner even though I have learned to talk a little less. lol.

Scripture  gives us many accounts of people who were spoken to in dreams.. from Joseph: Jacob`s son to Joseph the earthly father of Jesus Christ. Let`s talk a little about Joseph and his brothers who despised him, not so much because he was a dreamer and told them the dreams, but Jacob loved him more and showed it outwardly. And if you read a little closer in ( Gen. 37:2) you will see that Joseph brought back a bad report to his father concerning his brothers.... (that`s a whole other blog) There is no better way to disrupt a family quicker than by showing favortism... I actually believe this still exists today in the church, we get mad because God is showing favor to another and we become like Josephs brothers and begin our premeditation of character assasination.

We  see how Aaron and Miriam were jealous of Moses their "brother" ... they even tried to say it was due to the wife he married , but deep down inside  it was because of his intimate relationship with God..  Saul and David had a great relationship until Saul begin to see the favor of God on the young mans life... how interesting that one minute people see greatness in you , but as soon as God starts moving , they begin to despise you... So it was with Jesus , so it shall be with me and thee.... it yet baffles me that today  we hate on each other while telling  unbelievers that we love them . If only we could celebrate one another , fulfill our assignments and maybe, just maybe we would not have so much extra time checking and inspecting everyone elses work in the vineyard...

Okay back to the dream , Joseph was showed twice as an confirmation basically what God purposed to do which was: to use him as a deliverer and sustainer to his family when they would need it most. The problem here is that Joseph  was given the Genesis i. e. "Beginning" of the dream  and the Revelation i.e. "Ending" of the dream . God in His infinite wisdom withheld the Psalm i.e. "Middle"  portion to test Joseph to see what was in his heart  (Deut. 6:4).

 Just like the children of Israel the humanity of our christianity causes us to think we can be exited out of one place and immediatley enter the promise land without  GOING THROUGH THE WILDERNESS... The trip that should have taken 11 days lasted 39 years .... although the people were released from bondage geographically;  mentally, emotionally and spiritually it was as if they had never left.

Just as God did with them , Joseph and even Nebuchadnezzar , (Daniel 4) . He shall too do concerning us... We find out the fabric of ourselves when wrinkles of acceptance need to be ironed out, stains of envy and unforgiveness have to be  washed from our hearts  all the while impatience has to once and for all be hung on the cross to DIE and not to dry.

I am well able to go deeper with this matter , but I know you get the point .So I will close by saying Yes God gives dreams but He does not reveal the process because we would : run  back to the world (John 6:59-69)  or  run from  the assignment (Jonah) ... either way, we will still have to face that which is in front of us or He will bring it right back in our face so we can deal with it properly. Ignoring something or someone  may cause you to believe ... you are done with them or it , but I have learned in my  40 years on this earth..... That the same ladder we ascend upon to get to the top will be the same one we have to descend upon while being humbled.

 Many times we get it twisted like God is doing us a  favor by using us, when in actuality we ought to count it a privilege and and honor to be chosen to do His bidding in the earth... As with all things  God has a greater purpose and it shall be fulfilled.

Father , we first thank and praise You... that You created us to be in relationship with You, sharing your heart , ideas and will for our lives as well as allowing us to be a part of seeing other people prosper in the things you have placed in their care. Somewhere between your promise that occured in our dream or for some... dreams;  we have chosen to only look at the beginning and end , neglecting the most vital part the process in which you are changing our hearts. Lord when the dream manifests   itself... may we who recieved it, not be the only recipient of its fruition. Please forgive us for trying to "help" you in matters where you didn`t ask for our opinion, but only our obedience. Forgive us for hindering the progress because of envy, jealousy or self exaltaion. We give the dream back to you that it would used for the purpose intended... In Jesus Name we pray... Amen


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