Saturday, August 7, 2010

Steroid Saints

Hell everyone.. My name is human "being", not human doing. I was having a conversation with the Lord and I began to repent about the fact that I did not "encourage" people as much as I think I should. I then was reminded that the Holy Spirit gives spiritual gifts as He wills. See 1 Corinthians 12.

Way too often we think that "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" literally means we can do all things... it ought not be so; we are equipped to do all that the Father has willed us to do. None of us are Jesus... we are not the Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent One. We have power from on high, not that of our own strength, we have the mind of Christ which was first yielded to the Father ,  And we can only be in one place at a time.

If I was gifted in 4 areas and excelled , but was slack in another does that negate the power of God in my life  ? certainly not. I think we spend ourselves trying to be everything to everybody all the while neglecting one person which is OURSELVES.

Christ loves people but knew enough to steal away with the Father so His relationship would culminate. If we keep running around thinking because we sing , we have to sing all the time and everywhere we will become burned out lightbulbs instead of being light to the world.

If you have been called to minstry which we all are, do your job, stay in your lane... The Pastor is learning how to be the Pastor , God will help him accomplish that task. If you preach do it according to the measure of faith given you.. He already has someone named Jakes, Jones, Bynum, Warren and Meyer... just seek to be the best YOU.

Also, if you don`t extend grace to yourself to be human you will in turn withhold it from others. I had to repent for being mad at people if they werent performing at a level that "I" set for them, but when I fell I wanted a grace party, after party and parade...

What am I saying beloved ? ... simply put.. cut yourself , and the rest of  the world some slack, we all have shortcomings and none will be perfected till we see Him face to face, Until then lets celebrate the diversity of gifts and leave the transformation process up to God in our lives as well as in the lives of others.

The minute we stop trying to impress God and people will be the second the captive  which is usually ourselves will be set free. I know it sounds good to say " I don`t care what others think of me, but is that really true?, first off we should care as representatives of the God of glory, but secondly. it does matter... this is why we brush our hair and teeth , wash our bodies as well as our clothing, clean our vehicles and our homes.... presentation matters.

 Scriptures declares to us to Trust in the Lord... Prov 3:5-6

And not to put our trust in man, ( PROVERBS 28:26) but we often think its other people; when that man is the one you see when you look in the mirror..

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