Monday, August 23, 2010

The Weight of the Wait..

Today I would like to talk to you about waiting on God... a subject we can all relate to you ... because until Christ returns we will all be waiting on something from God while at the same time waiting on God to return.

Wait; defined by Websters dictionary is as follows : To remain until something expected happens . To anticipate,  watch for , abide, tarry , pause, or stay up for.

 It makes me think of Christmas , the release of  a movie you wanted to see or the process in which one waits for the delivery of a child. In all these instances you must, remain, watch for, abide in

, tarry  and raise your  anticipation level..  Sounds good right , well then why is it so hard as a society for us to wait ? glad you asked...

We as people are impatient , in my sanctified mind I believe God put  Adam to sleep when bringingforth Eve  so he could not try and take credit for anything let alone put a manner of time on the process.  God as we all know is outside of time He always was and there was never a time when He did not exist..  Humans have problems with time because we understand that it eventually slips through our hands. But what we also forget is that a new day is a whole other opportunity to use the time set before us.

We try and do everything in one day  thus burning ourselves out or on the flip side is we waste our day only to be frustrated and try and blame it on people, places, or things.  We live a life of waiting ... so why do we have spiritual temper tantrums when we ask God for something but feel like he lost track of time ?   we wait on seasons to change, prices to go down, the sun to go down, traffic lights, other people,  paychecks and refunds just to name a few.  We spend a considerable amount of time waiting in line at the bank, grocery store, movie theatre and let`s not forget about Black Friday when we wait in line for another, tv, appliance or video game.

We witness accounts in the Bible of how everybody had to wait at one time or another, our microwave society says..   God I want it right now !  ignoring the fact that there is a process to everything, telling God he is taking too long reminds us that we are focusing on what we don`t have a lot more than appreciating what we do have. Truth be told you know as soon as we get something new we can`t enjoy it because we are already thinking about next years model. This is why families are divided, weddings that cost an arm and a leg have now cost a heart and head full of brokeness, bitterness and turmoil.

It is so funny to me that we like to rush everybody else but take our time when doing things ? I have found that alot of my decisions; whether it was a purchase from a store or a job choice
 turned into impulsive thinking and can easily cause one to make rash decisions that sometimes leave you hurt or with a rash.

If  Abraham and Sarah would have waited on God they would not have had to deal with the weight of Ishmael.. they took the counterfeit over the benefit.. God in His infinite wisdom and mercy said since I am not a man that I should lie, I will deliver on my promise even though you tried to help me out. So Isaac comes just as God promised but the distress that was brought into all of  their lives could have been prevented.. I am in no way judging them because I fall short in areas that I should be further along in, but I don`t like whippings so whatever I can do to prevent forest fires I will do so that my plan to help God out does not blow up in my face.

This brings us to the weight issue... Weight is defined like this:  Heaviness, a burden or the force of gravity acting on a body. So the force we place on ourselves due to impatience can cause us to carry things that do not belong to us.  As a single parent back in the day I would go grocery shopping and attempted to bring as many bags in at a time that was possible ... because I  wanted to make the least amount of trips. only to find my fingers throbbing, back hurting and on an occasion or two the bags would  break and I  would  even  lose some of my groceries...

What am I saying ? as we wait on the Lord to fulfill His promise, may we  WAIT on God, may we see what pleases Him, see what He likes and do it , may we speak well of Him as well as those he created for His good pleasure.  May we feed the homeless, encourage the brokenhearted, listen without the intent of trying to fix another person.    May we not be so in a rush to get inside that we miss the beauty of what is outside.  Someone today is wishing they had a bed , while others are complaining that they need a bigger bed. Someone is in the hospital dying because they didn`t have medical insurance to care for them.  While I am complaining about how long I had to wait for the doctor.

In closing I pray that we would trust in the process of the promise , but not more than we trust in Him who made the promise. Today may we not think that the only reason Christ died was to make us filthy rich,  someones spouse, to be a mother or to make a name for ourselves. We already have names;  we are called... Disciples, Children of the Most High God,  Ambassadors for Christ, Royal Priesthood, Holy Nation, Set apart and Friends of God.

Lord Today may we not put weight on ourselves, while we  wait on you.

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